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2024 R-HOOPS TOY DRIVE (5).png

Help us collect toys for children in underserved communities in Sonoma County

Toy drop-off locations:

If you would like to be a drop-off location to help us collect toys, please email us at


Fierce Cheer Elite Center

324 B Yolanda Ave.

Santa Rosa


Finley Community Center

Senior Center

2060 West College Ave.

Santa Rosa


Machado's Burgers

406 Larkfield Center

Santa Rosa


Ridgway Swim Center

455 Ridgway Ave.

Santa Rosa


Santa Rosa Pizzeria

500 Mission Blvd.

Santa Rosa


Sisi's Barbershop

1523 Farmers Lane

Santa Rosa


Sonoma County Sheriff's Office

2796 Ventura Ave.

Santa Rosa


To donate funds to the R-Hoops Toy Drive, please click the "Donate" button below
PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

The Opportunity Foundation of Sonoma County (OFSC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.


Donations can also be mailed to the following address

and we will provide a donation receipt:

Opportunity Foundation of Sonoma County

PO BOX 11741

Santa Rosa CA 95406


Opportunity Foundation of Sonoma County
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