Emergency Preparedness Resources
Links for Emergency Preparedness Resources
We collaborate with other organizations to prepare for emergencies and disasters as well as distribute emergency supplies in emergency situations

Is your small business prepared for wildfire season and other emergencies?
The suggested emergency preparedness kit supplies are Red Backpack containing the following:
Emergency preparedness literature in English and Spanish
Emergency water and food for three days
Basic first aid kit
Wet and dry wipes
Garbage bags
Emergency survival blankets
Water Ponchos
Dust masks
12-hr light-stick
Whistle with lanyard
Weather radio
*We encourage you to add additional items such as a portable charger or power bank for cell phone, multipurpose emergency tool, wrench or pliers. Also important medications and documents, as well as food for pets. Please review the emergency preparedness literature and link recommendations provided in your kit for additional information and be sure to also prepare an emergency kit for your home/vehicle.